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Shotcut: versatile video editor with extensive format support and customizable interface.

Shotcut is a versatile video editing software that supports a wide range of image, audio, and video formats. It does not rely on the codecs installed on your computer, making it easy to edit or load videos in different formats without any issues. With support for numerous video and audio formats through FFmpeg, as well as image formats like JPG, PNG, and WEBP, Shotcut can handle almost any multimedia content on your PC. Additionally, it allows you to import animations in Lottie and rawr, and even record audio and images directly through a webcam. The interface of Shotcut is user-friendly and familiar to those who have used video editing programs before. It offers different timelines at the bottom, basic controls on the left, and displays the current image being worked on in the center and right sections of the screen. The program also provides a wide range of tools and filters for editing video and audio files. Shotcut's official website offers video tutorials for users of all levels, helping you learn how to trim, join, color correct, and flip images in your projects. With the ability to customize keyboard shortcuts, Shotcut makes it easy to tailor the program to your specific needs and preferences, especially if you are already familiar with other video editing software.

Frequent questions

Is Shotcut portable?

Yes, Shotcut is portable and can be run from a USB stick. Ideally, it should be installed, but if you prefer, you can run it directly without installation.

When was Shotcut created?

Shotcut was originally conceived in November 2004, by Charlie Yates. In 2011, however, the project came under the leadership of Dan Dennedy, who completely rewrote the program and updated it.

Is Shotcut safe?

Yes, Shotcut is totally safe. The software does not present any positive in VirusTotal and is open-source, so any user can take a look at the code to check that everything is in order.

Is Shotcut free?

Yes, Shotcut is a completely free and open-source software that does not accept monetary donations. There are other ways to contribute listed on their official website.

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